10 Reasons to Make the ZZ Plant Your Roommate

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ZZ Plants, short for Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a tropical hardy house plant that is known for its ability to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions, therefore, making it easy to keep alive and one of the 10 reasons to make this plant your roommate today. 

Its thick, waxy, green leaves give it an artificial plant look. I have had to look twice at one of these plants in a doctor's office before to determine if it was even a real plant.  

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ZZ Plants are native to eastern and southern Africa and commonly grown as an ornamental plant. Because of their ability to adapt to a variety of conditions and their minimal maintenance, they make the perfect roommate.  

Here are my top 10 reasons why you should move a ZZ plant in with you today: 

  • Symbolize good fortune, dedication, and growth 

  • Easy to propagate 

  • Slow growing 

  • Thrive on neglect 

  • Grow in lower light 

  • Not a heavy feeder 

  • Like to dry out between waterings 

  • Easy to clean  

  • Comfortable where your comfortable 

  • Come in a variety of foliage colors and variegation  


The ZZ plant symbolizes good fortune, dedication, and growth 

Used to attract prosperity and represent good fortune, dedication, and growth. Placing this plant in the wealth corner or office of your home is believed to attract financial abundance. The ZZ plant has been traditionally known for bringing good energy, wealth, and well-being. 

Having a roommate that brings good energy, wealth, and well-being is highly attractive to say the least. 

They are easy to propagate 

Even though ZZ Plants are slow growing, they propagate easily, they just take time to get rooted and grow. Do not give up too soon when propagating the ZZ. My propagates took 6 to 8 weeks (about 2 months) to root in water and it was about 8 months before I got any new growth.  

But in a little time, you will have multiple ZZ plants to share the wealth and well-being with your family and friends.  

Slow growing can be a good thing 

Plants that grow slower can be a good thing. Fewer repots to have to do and space saving are two positives of slower growing plants.

When your roommate takes up a little space it is always nice. 

Thrives on Neglect 

Literally, I have Zander, my ZZ plant in the Southeast corner of my plant room, I forget about this guy all the time and he grows and grows. I used to be bad at neglecting my houseplant friends.  

I went through about 2 years that I only watered my few plants, that lived, and I only watered when I absolutely felt I had to, or they were going to die. Needless to say, I lost a lot of plants in this 2-year period, but I just had a lot of other things going on at the time.  

However, my ZZ plant made it through this neglect period and honestly, I do not even think he was affected by it. Slower growth rate was the only thing I noticed, which was fine with me, I did not have the time for repots.  

Now living in a little less neglectful environment, Zander is growing well! Having a roommate that is not needy is great! 

Grows in Lower Light 

ZZ plants will continue to live in low light. Not every house has good natural light and sometimes getting all your plants under the grow lights can be challenging. Not to worry, ZZ plants do not require much light to survive.  

However, if you want your ZZ plant to thrive get it a position under some bright, indirect light either from a sunny window or a grow light. Be sure not to place in direct sunlight, as it will burn your ZZ friend’s leaves.  

Isn’t it nice having a roommate that will settle for a little less without a fuss? 

Not a Heavy Feeder 

Saving you some money on fertilizers, the ZZ plant is not a heavy feeder. Feeding your ZZ plant about once every 2 months will suffice. Honestly, I did not even fertilize mine for over 2 years, he lived.  

They do need fertilizer though, because as soon as I repotted and fed Zander he exploded in growth. Do not do what I do, do fertilize your ZZ plants at least 3-4 times a year.  

A roommate that does not eat your food! Yes, please! What a good guy! 

ZZ Plants like to dry out between waterings 

ZZ plants do not like to stay wet. I water mine very well, normally I take him to the shower and spray thoroughly, cleaning his leaves and stems and fully saturating the soil. Then I let him sit in the tub to drain for 15-30 minutes.  

I place him back in his spot and normally when I remember to water again, he has completely dry soil. Zander is fine with this method of watering; he seems to enjoy drying out between his showers.  

This roommate is easy on the water bill and not fussy about needing a shower that often.  

Easy to Clean 

It is so nice having a clean roommate!  

ZZ plants are easy to keep clean and do not shed their leaves or form any kind of mess, that I have experienced anyway.  

You may need to wipe its leaves occasionally. I shower my ZZ to water, and this takes care of the dust on his leaves too.  

Easy peasy! 

Comfortable where you are comfortable 

Being a highly adaptable plant, ZZ plants are comfortable in the same climate you are comfortable in. Ideally, ZZ plants enjoy indoor temperatures in the 65–80-degree Fahrenheit range. 

No need for a humidifier, this plant is not fussy about the humidity levels. Normal indoor humidity is fine.  

If you are comfortable in your home, your ZZ roommate is comfortable too.  

ZZ Plants come in a variety of foliage colors and variegations 

And last, but not least, your ZZ plant roommate comes in a variety of foliage colors varying from yellow to green and maroon to black and the trendy and beautiful variegated look.  

So, if you are looking for a roommate to compliment your living space ZZ plants give you options.  


ZZ plants help to purify the air in our homes and can enhance our mood and reduce stress. This makes ZZ plants perfect for your home or office space.  

Get yourself a roommate that is not fussy, does not need much from you, and works hard to give back to you. 

In summary, your ZZ plant requires: 

  • Low to bright, indirect light 

  • Waterings or showers about once or twice a month 

  • Fertilizer at least 4-6 times a year 

  • A well-draining soil and pot with drainage 

That’s it! Are you ready to move a ZZ plant in?  

Sometimes you must get your plant a plant too. If you are looking for another roommate that has similar needs, may I suggest getting your ZZ plant a Snake plant friend.  

Snake plants, aka Sansevieria, more recently classified as Dracaena trifasciata, or commonly known as Mother’s in law tongue, have similar growing habits and needs as the ZZ plant.  

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    Cassie Holzkamper

    Blog about plant care and dog parenting and how therapeutic and rewarding it can be.


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